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Resumen de Periodismo de guerra y seguridad. Una necesidad endógena

Pablo Sapag Muñoz de la Peña

  • New technologies and transport facilities are dramatically changing war journalism as it was practiced the last decades. Those factors are responsible of t he growing presence of non pro- fessional free lances and citizen journalist on a field previ ously reserved to professional jour- nalists. Those new actors introduce a non regulated labour co mpetition -some times instigated by short term media companies interests-, poor quality journa lism and low standard security performances. On this new scenario high quality informatio n and security measures are the only weapons left to professional journalists to compete in th is new enviroment. As security is a condition for good information, in this paper we focus on it always regarding the dramatic security situation of Spanish war journalism in order to propose a solution t o that drama.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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