Pedro Paramo es quizas uno de los textos que mas ha influido en las letras hispanoamericanas. Muchos son los estudios que se han realizado a esta obra, algunos de ellos insisten en el tono pesimista de la misma. La novela inicia con un viaje, el del hijo que sale en busca de su padre para cumplir la promesa hecha a la madre en el lecho de muerte. Esta ha sido la interpretacion mas difundida por la critica. Sin embargo, si se lee detenidamente el discurso del protagonista se cae en la cuenta de que no es ese el motivo principal de su viaje a Comala. En realidad, Juan Preciado es movido por la esperanza que era �\aquel senor. llamado Pedro Paramo, no por la promesa hecha a Dolores, de la que el mismo dice que no pensaba cumplir hasta que comenzo a llenarse de suenos, de ilusiones y de esperanza. El viaje de Juan va de la esperanza a la ilusion para terminar en la muerte. La accion se arraiga en ese sentimiento que mueve a todo ser humano y se convierte asi en una extensa metafora del sentido (o sin sentido) de la vida. Este escrito reflexiona sobre la presencia de la esperanza y de la ilusion en la novela de Juan Rulfo.
Pedro Paramo is perhaps one of the literary texts that has had the greatest influence on Spanish American letters. Many studies have been done related to this work, and some of them insist on its pessimistic tone. The novel begins with the journey of a son who sets out to look for his father in order to fulfill the promise made to his mother as she lay dying. This has been the most widely diffused interpretation given by critics. Nevertheless, if one reads carefully the discourse of the protagonist, one comes to understand the principle motive for his journey to Comala. In reality, Juan Preciado is motivated by the hope that it was �\that man. named Pedro Paramo that prompted the journey, not the promise made to Dolores, something that he himself says that he was not planning to fulfill until he started to be filled with dreams, illusions, and hope. Juan's journey goes from hope to illusion, culminating in death. The action is rooted in that sentiment that moves every human being and thus changes in an extensive metaphor for the meaning (or without meaning) of life. This manuscript reflects on the presence of hope and illusion in the novel of Juan Rulfo.
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