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Resumen de Gestión de la responsabilidad social empresarial

Arturo Pazos Díaz

  • español

    El gestionar una empresa no solo deberá estar orientado a los recursos económicos, materiales y al potencial humano sino también al impacto social que se determina en los elementos que rodean a la organización dentro de lo que se debe señalar a la ecología que es la relación de los seres humanos con los demás seres vivientes y con su ambiente como la tierra, el aire, el agua.

    Los responsables de gestionar una organización deben ser consientes de la sensibilidad social, que es la capacidad que se tiene para establecer las relaciones de sus operaciones con las condiciones sociales de su entorno.

    Un aspecto que la empresa mide su rentabilidad es a través de los estadios financieros, sin embargo no se cuenta con una estado de gestión social que podría medirse con una auditoria social que viene a ser el compromiso de la empresa con las acciones sociales

  • English

    Business organizations are operating in a pluralistic society in which organized groups have their own interests, given some impact among them, depending on the management that is implemented to ensure integrity of common purpose.

    The management company must be directed not only to economic resources, material and human potential but also the elements that surround the organization into what it should be noted that the ecology is the relationship of humans with other beings living and their environment such as land, air, water, it being necessary to protect the balance of these aspects to ensure a decent life for future generations.

    Those responsible for managing an organization must be aware of social sensitivity, which is the ability you have to establish the relationships of its operations with the social conditions of their environment in a mutual and beneficial for itself and for the groups of interest shape the environment in which the company develops.

    One aspect that the company measures its profitability is through the financial stages, but do not have a state of social management which could be measured with a social audit is to be the company�s commitment to social actions that can make with its surroundings making a significant social impact qualitatively or quantitatively measurable

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