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Resumen de Hipocromia y diagnóstico de talla en niños y adolescentes con parasitosis intestinales del Municipio Guacara, Estado Carabobo, Venezuela

I. Acuña, A. Morón de Salim

  • HIPOCROMIA AND STATURE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS INFECTED BY INTESTINAL PARASITISM IM GUACARA COUNTY ; STATE OF CARABOBO, VENEZUELA It was determine the presence or no of hypochromia and diagnosis of stature in children and adolescents from Guacara Municipality, State Carabobo, Venezuela, and the relationship with types and combinations of parasites. In 395 children, infant, preschool, school and teen, attending at three rural hospitals were evaluated, without disease apparent, aged between 1 and 18 years. Haematological, parasitological and socio-economic were done. Haematological by automated counter, Beckman Coulter, model Ac.T 5diff; copro-parasitological a stool from children, by direct method and Kato-Katz; socioeconomic Graffar according Méndez Castellano. Was found: median age 6.64 ± 1.78; 51.4% male, 48.6% female; etario group predominance pre-school 30.9% and 25.6% teenagers; socio-economic strata IV (69.1%). Parasitized population 77,2% with prevalence of Blastocystis hominis 34.4% in pre-school (31.1%), adolescents (27.7%). Found signifi cant relationship between hypochromia and parasites, type being B. hominis the more closely related to this condition (42.3%). Type of parasite by etario group: Giardia lamblia in nursing 36.4%, combination G. lamblia and B. hominis in pre-school, 47.1%, Endolimax nana in school 40,45%, combination of E. nana and B. hominis in teenage 34.5%. No signifi cant relationship between parasitism, type of parasite and diagnosis of stature. We concluded that in preschool children from low socioeconomic the parasitic intestinal by B. hominis are prevalent and signifi cantly related hypochromia, but not with stature.

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