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Resumen de Les corpus publicitaires : nouvelles approches et méthodes pour le traducteur

Mathieu Guidère

  • A few years ago, dealing with advertisement corpus was not an easy task, but the generalization of the Internet as a tool of social and commercial communication has revolutionized this field of study by making available rich and varied sources of information. Ads and commercials are now available online and in several languages on the same website. They form a virtual corpus, which is multilingual and intersemiotic, offering simultaneous and parallel texts. This accessibility makes possible new approaches and methods of analysis for the translator. First, simply in forming the study corpus, the Internet now offers the opportunity to gather in record time unrivaled multimedia and multilingual corpus. Then, at the processing level, the comparison of corpus components offers new methods enabling the translator to be seen as a true communicator. Finally, in terms of conceptualization, an interdisciplinary approach to the corpus opens up new perspectives in translation studies. We discuss these different levels of analysis, starting from case studies conducted a decade earlier on the multilingual advertisement corpus. Our goal is to explain the evolution that has occurred in recent years in the field of advertising translation and the importance of a diachronic approach of corpora to translation studies.

    Plan de l'article

    1. Contexte
    2. Corpus
    3. Méthode
    3.1. La constitution du corpus électronique
    3.2. Le traitement du corpus électronique
    4. Une méthodologie actualisée
    4.1. Le traitement des données linguistiques
    4.2. Le traitement des données iconographiques
    5. Pour une traductologie cognitive fondée sur l'usage de corpus
    5.1. Niveau des conceptions : le message linguistique
    5.2. Niveau des perceptions : le message iconique
    5.3. Niveau des intentions : l'explicite et l'implicite
    6. Conclusion

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