Un modo de llevar al debate social una temática concreta sin irrumpir, es transferirla a una camiseta. Su portador sin modificar su actividad cotidiana, trasladará el mensaje que sugiere su prenda, mostrándolo a las personas que coincidan en su recorrido habitual.
La camiseta se transforma en una pancarta móvil por el espacio público, una prenda que habla por si misma, que posiciona al que la lleva puesta y que se carga de significado al ubicarse en determinados lugares
A way to take to the frame of social debate a concrete subject matter without bursting in, is to transfer it to a t-shirt. His/her carrier without modifying their daily activity, will move the message that suggests its t-shirt, showing it to the persons who coincide in its habitual tour. About the action of putting on it, the t-shirt is transformed in a mobile placard around the public space, a clothe that speaks by itself, positions whom wears it and that loads of meaning when being located in certain places.
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