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Resumen de Un entrepreneur privé de politique publique: La lutte contre l'obésité, entre santé publique et intérêt privé

Henri Bergeron, Patrick Castel, Étienne Nouguez

  • By studying the case of obesity prevention, this paper contributes to enlightening the reorganizations of public health policies in France. The analysis of mechanisms presiding over the assertion of a private operator as a justifiable and leading actor (developing henceforth inmore than 200 cities) is a privileged point of observation of the articulation between policies carried out by the State and the municipalities on one hand, and an original mode of policy privatization on the other hand. This operator does not fit into the usual categories for analysis of policy, but corresponds more to the figure of the private entrepreneur succeeding in creating a durable role for himself on the border of two heterogeneous worlds, which often find themselves in conflict, that of public health andmarket.

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