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Resumen de Intre podoabe, statut social si simbolistica: Pandantivele-ochelari din Bronzul transilvanean

  • Amidst the fashionable ornaments that were in use at the beginning of the Bronze Age a special role played the spectacle-shaped pendants (Brillenspiralen). Charged with an obvious symbolism and used to express a high social status they are extremely rare for Transylvania, appearing at the end of the Aeneolithic and carrying on way down to the first Iron Age.

    In this study we aim to discuss the items that are found in Transylvania at the beginning of the Bronze Age, as they form a particular category, with no significant typological variations.

    Spectacle-shaped pendants known to date from Transylvania entirely from the Apuseni Mountains.

    All pieces that were part of a certainly context, without exception, the inventory of burial tumulus (Livezile-Dealul Sârbului, Poiana Aiudului-Dealul Velii, Ampoi a-Peret, Mada-Chiciorele). These ornaments are worn at the neck, was discovered at Mada and twisted cord of vegetable matter that was hanging pendant.

    We also emphasize on an interesting aspect. In the particular times and cultural evolutions that have produced the pendants there are no pottery or plastic representations and vice-versa. In the Transylvanian area of the Cotofeni culture such artefacts are missing but, in the final phase (III) we have numerous representations on pottery. A similar situation we have for Wietenberg culture, also lacking such pendants, but with one representation on a vessel. The same things happens in the area of the Zuto Brdo-Gârla Mare culture, where no artefacts have been found but their anthropomorphic statuettes are depicting such pendants being worn on the neck. For the same large area, in the Early Bronze Age we have such artefacts but there are no pottery representations.

    Early Bronze Age specific type of Transylvania is defined as a distinct type of "Danubian group", which we call "western Transylvania". Spectacle-shaped pendants burial tumulus discovered in the Apuseni Mountains in Transylvania dated to the end EBA II and the culturally they belong, most likely Copaceni cultural group.

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