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Resumen de Considera ii preliminare asupra plasticii antropomorfe vinciene descoperite în situl arheologic de la Limba � Oarda de Jos (jud. Alba). I

Marius Ciuta

  • The present paper is a preliminary study regarding the early Vinca anthropomorphic figurines discovered in the site of Limba � Oarda de Jos during archaeological campaigns from 1995-2001. Proposals for classification based on morphological-style, technologic-functionality and symbolism are treated separately. A special emphasis is given to the presentation of the main general features of the artifacts that comprises the category known as anthropomorphic plastic.

    The description of type, manufacturing technologies, the specific anatomical features, the specific characteristics are presented by the author. Finally, generically, some assumptions are advanced, most frequently disseminated in the literature regarding the significance of these artifacts, respectively short references to similar findings from Transylvania and Banat.

    The closest analogies regarding the morphological features of early Vinca plastic art from Limba � Oarda de Jos archaeological have been found within the settlements of the Vinca culture from Banat72, but also in early depositions from the eponymous site at Vinca73 in Serbia. This is natural if we take into account the origin of the Transylvanian aspect of this culture.

    In general we can see similarities, especially common for distinctive elements from early Vinca (phase A2 and A3), but also the individualization of certain elements which appear only in Transylvania (during the phases B1 and B1-B2) and which do not appear in Banat or in the Vinca site, like the case of vessel lids.

    This phenomenon gives the anthropomorphic plastic from the northeast area of Vinca culture, respectively of the Transylvanian variant, its archaic character supplemented by certain Starcevo traditions that transcend in some plastics archetypes. Basic elements originating in Asia Minor. It could be discerned, which were spirituality grafted onto the original indigenous elements, which gave the appearance of Intracarpathian customization features of the Transylvanian culture. In these way plastic figurines acquiring forms of expression and features distinctive from the southern area, where it originated.

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