As shows it the title, this article deals with the theme of the personal writing and with its introduction within the school institution. The idea of the striking difficulty of the writing for foreign language leaves; which difficulty often leads the learners to be excluded from this practice and the teachers to evade it. It is here about the synthesis of an investigation led with a public of high school students who aims at demonstrating the role of the personal writing in the facilitation of the learning of the scriptural techniques in FLE.
Cet article traite de la thématique de l�écriture personnelle et de son introduction au sein de l�institution scolaire. Il part de l�idée qu�en langue étrangère la difficulté conduit souvent les apprenants à s�exclure de cette pratique et les enseignants à l�escamoter. Conduite auprès d�un public de lycéens, la synthèse que nous présentons ici vise à démontrer le rôle facilitateur de l�écriture de soi dans l�apprentissage des techniques scripturales en FLE.
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