En este articulo se exponen los resultados de un estudio sobre la calidad del producto turistico a la luz de la globalizacion y de la atencion de la Union europea a la politica de la calidad en el mercado turistico. Objetivo del mismo es analizar las tecnicas que estan disponibles para las empresas turisticas para dar y vender a los consumidores un serivicio del calidad. L’articulo analiza le diferencias entre el sistema de calidad del turismo espanol, muy evolucionado, y las iniciativas promovidas en Italia, respecto a la actividad de los organism del normalizacion y respecto a la legislatcon del contrato de viaje. El autor concluye que es necesario dar valor juridico a la norma standard en el contrato de viaje.
The tourism market has been changed by globalisation. It has changed from playing a microeconomic role to a macroeconomic one, the tourism demand has become "global" and has diversified, according to the tourist’s variety of interests and motivations, such as rest, health, culture, entertainment, sport, adventure and leisure time. A transformation has taken place, from an élite type of tourism to one of mass tourism. This work aims to analyse the importance of quality in the tourism sector, to ascertain which instruments are available for allowing the tourist to protect all those interests that encourage him/her to stipulate a travel and tourism contract. The concept of quality no longer belongs exclusively to the economic field, but also to the legal realm. It will become apparent that this can occur on the condition that individual tourist contracts include a reference to the quality of service by indicating the standard.
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