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Resumen de Pietrele: Der kupferzeitliche Siedlungshügel ,,Magura Gorgana" und sein Umfeld: Bericht über die Ausgrabungen und geomorphologischen Untersuchungen im Sommer 2008

Svend Hansen, Meda Toderas, Agathe Reingruber, Nico Becker, Ivan Gatsov

  • Investigations at the Copper Age settlement mound of Magura Gorgana during the summer season of 2008 brought forth further important results_ Excavation of settlement layers in trench B were continued and reached a depth of almost four meters, while layers in trench F were investigated to a depth of five meters_ In Trench B, near the south profile, were exposed the back parts of burnt houses_ The area adjacent to the north is characterized by several approximately square constructions of posts. This is interpreted preliminarily as a constructional measure for the planned expansion of the settlement and as foundation for the subsequent generations of houses. In this part oftrench B varied remains of human individuals were found_ Changes could be discerned in the pottery production in this building layer as well: the angular profile of vessels is more noticeable, and the lower part of vessels with a distinct shoulder is now slightly concave. Further, there is an increase in pottery with incised decoration and chaff tempero In trench F several settlement horizons could be distinguished under the two-storied house that was excavated in 2006-2007. Foreseen in the season of 2009 is the excavation of an entire building in the central part of trench F that is only slightly burnt.

    Until now the immediate vicinity of the tell was investigated by means of surface surveys: In 2004-2005 and 2007 geomagnetic prospection was conducted, and in 2007-2008 geoelectrical profiles were made as well. These surveys confirm that there was a density of buildings at the foot of the settlement mound, which will be the object of archaeological investigations in 2009.

    (Übersetzung Dr. Emily Schalk)

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