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Resumen de Una importante discontinuidad estratigráfica del Paleoceno de Navarra y del País Vasco:: caracterización y significado.

Alejandro Robador Moreno, Victoriano Pujalte Navarro, Xabier Orue-Etxebarria Urkitza, Juan Ignacio Baceta Caballero, Sergio Robles Orozco

  • An important stratigrafhic break has been recognized in the Paleocene of Navarra and the Basque Country, which is recorded/ with different features, both in platform and basina/ settings. lt has been correlated thorugh paleontological dating, with the major sea-level drop of the Paleocene and is therefore ascribed to eustasy. In many instances, this break is responsible for informal lithostratigrafic subdivisions of these sediments advanced by previous authors

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