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Resumen de Reconocimiento hidroquímico de zonas endorreicas del Karst evaporítico de Antequera (Málaga)

José Benavente Herrera, Carmen Almécija, Francisco Carrasco Cantos, P. Rodríguez Jiménez, J. Javier Cruz Sanjulián

  • Some small temporary and permanent lakes near Antequera (Malaga) have been monitored in order to identify their main hydrochemical features. They display a wide variety both in chemical facies and salinity. The origin of these wetlands is related to triassic evaporite karst: closed depressions induced by dissolution and collapse. The results show in general a close similarity between these waters and those of the most significative springs that drain this karst, with a overimposed effect of saline concentration due to evaporation

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