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Sedimentología del sector occidental del abanico costero de Sant Llorenç del Munt (Eoceno, cuenca de antepaís surpirenaica)

  • Autores: Miguel López Blanco, Mariano Marzo Carpio
  • Localización: Geogaceta, ISSN 0213-683X, Nº. 14, 1993, págs. 83-86
  • Idioma: español
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • The Bartonian-Priabonian Sant Lloreng del Munt fan-delta complex is located at the SE margin of the South-Pyrenean foreland basin. During the deposition of this complex the basin margin was controlled by a series of sinistral strike-slip faults that under transpressive conditions developed some thrusting structures. The fan-delta complex consists of an alternation ofdetrital and carbonate facies. The detrital facies (more than the 9 0 % in volume of the com plex) includ e the deposits of four main facies belts: proximal alluvial fan (conglomerates), distal alluvial fan and fan-delta plain (conglomerates and red sandstones and mudstones), fan-delta front (sandstones and conglomerates) and fan-delta slope (bluegrey offshore marls and "turbiditic" sandstones and conglomerates). The carbonate facies are mainly represented by bioclastic shoals and reefs

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