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Resumen de Adesâo ao regime terapêutico na doença crónica: Revisâo da literatura

António Madureira Dias, Madalena Cunha, Alexandra Margarida Marques Dos Santos, Ana Patrícia Gandra Neves, Andreia Sofia Coimbra Pinto, Andreia Sofia Anjos Silva, Sónia Armindo Castro

  • português

    Na actualidade, uma percentagem significativa da população mundial depara-se com a necessidade de tomar medicação e de adoptar medidas para controlar e tratar, tanto as patologias agudas como as crónicas.

    Os doentes portadores de patologia crónica são os que menos aderem à terapêutica. Estima-se que, nos países desenvolvidos, apenas 50% dos doentes crónicos cumprem o tratamento acordado com o profissional de saúde, condicionando a economia, o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida da sociedade. A compreensão deste fenómeno implica tomar conhecimento dos vários modelos conceptuais existentes, bem como analisar os seus pressupostos teóricos.

    É de capital interesse conhecer os factores que influenciam a adesão, percebendo a associação estabelecida entre variáveis internas e externas ao doente, assim como as variáveis relacionais. Desta forma, poder-se-ão delinear estratégias que promovam a adesão ao regime terapêutico, quer a nível educacional, quer comportamental, ou conjugando as duas dimensões. Na avaliação da adesão terapêutica poder-se-á recorrer a métodos directos e indirectos, sendo os directos mais fidedignos, mas menos utilizados devido ao seu elevado custo.

  • English

    Nowadays, a significant percentage of world population faces the need to take medication and take measures to control and treat both acute conditions such as chronic.

    Patients who suffer from chronic disease are the ones that least adheres to therapy. It is estimated that in developed countries, only 50% of chronic patients comply with treatment agreed with the health professional, affecting the economy, the welfare and society life�s quality. Understanding this phenomenon means to familiarize yourself with the various existing conceptual models, as well as, examine their theoretical assumptions.

    Patients who suffer from chronic disease are the ones that least adheres to therapy. It is estimated that in developed countries, only 50% of chronic patients comply with treatment agreed with the health professional, affecting the economy, the welfare and society life�s quality. Understanding this phenomenon means to familiarize yourself with the various existing conceptual models, as well as, examine their theoretical assumptions.

    It is relevant to know the factors that influence adherence, noting the association established between internal and external variables to the patient, as well as, relational variables. Therefore, it make possible to outline strategies that promote adherence to therapy, whether educational, behavioral or combining this two dimensions.

    In the evaluation of adherence will be able to use both direct and indirect methods, being the direct ones the most reliable, but the less used because of its high cost.

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