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Resumen de Correlation of sedimentary events during the Latest Cenomanian:: from the Basque Basin to the Castilian Ramp (Northern Spain).

Marc Floquet, Bernard Mathey, E. Métais, Laurent Emmanuel, J.-F. Babinot, F. Magniez-Jeannin, G. Tronchetti

  • español

    Estudios sedimentológicos, bioestratigráficos y geoquímicos de series de edad Cenomanense superior - Turonense inferior de la Cuenca profunda Vasca, de la Rampa distal Navarro-Cantábrica y de la Rampa somera Castellana han permitido: V correlacionar la deposición de arcillas negras laminadas (black shales) en la Cuenca Vasca con la formación de superficies endurecidas (hardgrounds) glauconíticas en las Rampas Navarro-Cantábrica y Castellana, 2) situar estos eventos en la Zona de Archaeocretacea, 3) interpretar dichos depósitos como indicadores de anoxia en la cuenca profunda y de hipoxia sobre las rampas, resultado de una profundi'¿ación y transgresión marina mayor

  • English

    Sedimentologic, biostratigraphic and geochemical analyses of the Late Cenomanian - Early Turonian series of the deep Basque Basin and of the Navarre-Cantabrian distal Ramp and Castilian proximal Ramp, allow: V to correlate sedimentary events such as the sedimentation of thin layers of organic matter-bearing laminated black shales in the Basque Basin and as the formation of glauconitic-pyritic bioturbated hardgrounds on the Navarre-Cantabrian and Castilian Ramps, 2) to date these events from the Archaeocretacea Zone, 3) to interpret them as evidence of anoxia in the basin and hypoxia on the ramps, and as results of major marine deepening and transgression

Fundación Dialnet

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