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Resumen de Vegetarianism and Eating Disorder Risk Behavior in Adolescents from São Paulo, Brazil

Camilla C.P. Estima, Sonia T. Philippi, Greasse V.S. Leal, Carolina V. M. B. Pimentel, Marle S. Alvarenga

  • español

    Objetivo: Evaluar el riesgo de trastornos alimentarios y conductas no saludables de control del peso entre adolescentes que afirman ser vegetarianos y los que afirman ser omnívoros.

    Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en 12 escuelas técnicas de la ciudad de São Paulo, Brasil. La muestra incluyó a 1.167 adolescentes (el 51% mujeres) entre 14 y 19 años de edad (media, 16). Los adolescentes declaraban si eran vegetarianos en aquel momento, por lo que la muestra se dividió en vegetarianos y no vegetarianos. Se compararon los dos grupos en cuanto a peso, trastornos alimentarios, métodos no saludables de control del peso y la percepción de alimentación saludable.

    Resultados: Cerca del 4% de la muestra declaró ser vegetariana, la mayoría eran mujeres (70,8%) y para las mujeres ser vegetarianas era 2,89 veces más probable que para los varones. No se encontró asociación entre ser vegetariano y los comportamientos no saludables de control del peso. Sin embargo, el grupo de vegetarianos considera que su alimentación es más saludable que la del grupo de no vegetarianos (p = 0,04).

    Conclusiones: La frecuencia del vegetarianismo y la frecuencia de trastornos alimentarios fueron menores en esta muestra de adolescentes de São Paulo, Brasil.

  • English

    Objective: To evaluate eating disorders risk behaviors and unhealthy weight control practices among adolescents who consider themselves as vegetarians and those who are omnivorous.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 12 technical schools in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The sample included 1167 adolescents (51% female), aged 14 to 19 (mean age, 16). Adolescents stated whether they were currently vegetarian, and the sample was dichotomized as vegetarian and non-vegetarian. The two groups were compared as regards weight status, eating disorder risk behavior, unhealthy weight control methods and the perception of healthy eating.

    Results: About 4% of the sample was currently vegetarian, most of them female (70.8%), and females were 2.89 times more likely to be vegetarian than males. No relationship was found between the vegetarian status and unhealthy weight control behavior; however the vegetarian group considered their diet to be healthier than the non-vegetarian group (P = .04).

    Conclusions: The frequency of vegetarianism, as well the frequency of eating disorder risk behaviors had no association in this adolescent sample from São Paulo, Brazil.

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