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Resumen de Urban Design as a Frame for Site Readings of Heritage Landscapes: A Case Study of Champaner-Pavagadh, Gujarat, India

Amita Sinha, Yuthika Sharma

  • Conservation of heritage sites in South Asia should be guided by a new postcolonial paradigm of thinking about cultural landscape. This paper proposes an urban design approach drawing upon Kevin Lynch�s concepts regarding representation of time in place and visual perception of urban form such that cultural heritage landscapes are experienced not as artefacts but as places. Using Champaner-Pavagadh in Gujarat, India as a case study, the paper shows that urban design interventions can provide a framework for thoughtful and imaginative site reading and interpretation. The interventions use a different medium of expression than reproducing historical precedent-the attempt is not to mimic the past but to evoke it through a visual and spatial vocabulary of design.

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