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Explicit classical solutions and comments on Higher-Derivative Klein-Gordon equation in (1+1)-D

  • Autores: Alexandre Cherman, L.G. Ferreira Filho, L.L. Santos Guedes, Jose Abdalla Helayël-Neto
  • Localización: Revista Mexicana de Física, ISSN-e 0035-001X, Vol. 58, Nº. 5, 2012, págs. 384-390
  • Idioma: inglés
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  • Resumen
    • We present a simple and general method to solve bigher-power D'Alembert equation in (1+1) dimensions for a set of completely general initial conditions. Explicit solutions are written down for the cases of (figure) and (figure) and the singularity structure is manifest through the derivative terms of some of the initial-condition functions. The explicit solutions found out may be useful if one wishes to device external sources which may suppress the non-physical modes introduced by the higher derivatives.

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