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Resumen de Hans von Seeckt and His Vision of a "Modern Army"

Matthias Strohn

  • After the First World War and the signing of the treaty of Versailles, the German army was forced to rethink its guidelines and restructure its forces. Generaloberst (Colonel-General) Hans von Seeckt had a special role in the development of the Reichswehr in the Weimar Republic. His influence was of such importance that he has been called the 'creator of the Reichswehr'. As an answer to Germany's changed geopolitical and military situation after the First World War, Seeckt developed the structure of the Neuzeitliches Heer or 'modern army', which distinguished itself fundamentally from the prevailing military doctrine in the German army. His vision of this modern army was of special importance to him and became the core of his innovative thinking, even if the restrictions of the Versailles treaty made sure it remained only a vision. This army would be characterized by a small number of soldiers, who would be well trained and equipped. This would enable the army to conduct a highly mobile war, which Seeckt saw as the key to success in future conflicts. This article examines Seeckt's model and the implications this would have had on a future wa

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