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Resumen de Kinematic characterization of cleavage in Permo-Triassic red beds of the Espadán Range (Castellón, NE Spain)

Juan Gual Pérez, Andrés Gil Imaz, José Luis Simón Gómez

  • In this paper the Alpine cleavage affecting the Permo-Triassic series of the Espadan Range (Castellón) is studied. Cleavage affects to argillites and sandstones in Saxonian and Buntsandstein facies. At cartographic scale it is linked with the Espadan box anticline with constant ONO-ESE trend. At microscoscopic scale it constitutes a �spaced cleavage� with a predominance of pressure solution and passive rotation mechanisms. At outcrop scale the cleavage characterizes by a sigmoidal geometry linked both the post-cleavage flexural slip as a cleavage-related flexural flow mechanism. The proposed kinematic model to explain its origin includes three main stages: 1) incipient development of cleavage linked to layer-parallel shortening, 2) buckling and increasing of cleavage penetrativity and 3) folfing amplification and layer-parallel shear.

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