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Resumen de Nonnutritive Sweeteners: Current Use and Health Perspectives:: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association

Christopher Gardner, Judith Wylie- Rosett, Samuel S. Gidding, Lyn M. Steffen, Rachel K. Johnson, Diane Reader, Alice H. Lichtenstein

  • Regarding stevia, at this time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not made a determination as to the Generally Recognized As Safe status, but has issued no objection letters for a number of Generally Recognized As Safe notifications for stevia sweeteners (http://www. fda.gov/Food/FoodlngrethentsPackaging/ GenerallyRecognizedasSafeGRAS/ GRASNotificationProgram/default.htm). Because all 6 of these NNS have current U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval, issues related to safety of these compounds are not addressed. [...]the review that follows is notably limited by the lack of an extensive evidence base.

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