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Resumen de Les sciences sociales doivent-elles accumuler les capitaux ?: À propos de Catherine Hakim, Erotic Capital, et de quelques marcottages intempestifs de la notion de capital

Erik Neveu

  • This paper develops a critical reading of Hakim's Erotic Capital . The book calls social scientists to pay more attention to an under-rated kind of capital, which should however be worth of as much attention as the economic, social and cultural capi- tals. If Hakim invites to consider the body in a sociological way, her approach can be challenged.

    Is erotic capital fully distinct from cultural capital? Was sociology so blind to these stakes? Beyond the book's discussion, the paper questions the cur- rent trend to endlessly multiply “ capitals ” in all social spaces and interactions. It pleads for clearer theoretical distinctions between a/ four basic kinds of capitals, b/ their variations and “ states ” , c/ their combinations into a huge range of locally efficient but “ molecular ” capitals

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