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Resumen de Nuevos restos fósiles de vertebrados continentales en el Cretácico Superior de Álava (Región Vasco-Cantábrica): sistemática y posición estratigráfica.

Xabier Pereda Suberbiola, Xabier Murelaga Bereicua, Juan Ignacio Baceta Caballero, José Carmelo Corral, Ainara Badiola Kortabitarte, Humberto Astibia Ayerra

  • Recent field work in the Upper Cretaceous continental beds of the Basco-Cantabrian Region has yielded new vertebrate fossil remains. Both dinosaur and turtle bones have been recovered from fluviatile sediments (sub-unit B3 of Baceta et alv 1999) outcropping near Apellaniz and Korres localities (Izkiz Mountains, eastern Alava). A fragmentary humerus from Apellaniz is referred to the Sauropoda as Titanosauridae indet., and a fragmentary turtle shell plate is assigned to the Bothremydidae as cf. Polysternon sp. (Pleurodira). Moreover, two vertebral centra of Ornithopoda indet., a scute fragment of Ankylosauria indet., and turtle shell plates of cf. Polysternon and an indeterminate solemydid (Cryptodira) are known in Korres. On the basis of both geological and palaeontological grounds, a late Campanian to early Maastrichtian age is likely for the Izkiz fauna

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