Na construción e configuración de calquera sistema do campo cultural, faise ne- cesario, entre outras cousas, o desenvolvemento de institucións que o estruturen e nutran.
No caso do teatral, son especialmente importantes aquelas nas que se forman os axentes do sistema, e, entre elas, destacan as escolas de teatro, centros de formación que poden des- envolver procesos educativos diversos, con maior ou menor grao de formalización, aínda que o ámbito da educación teatral é maior, como queremos mostrar. Neste traballo, que situamos ao abeiro da Historia da educación teatral, queremos ofrecer unha panorámica xeral do que teñen sido as liñas de traballo máis importantes no ámbito da formación teatral en Galicia, e que, no seu conxunto, configuran un campo de estudo e investigación emerxente
In the making and development of any of the systems of the cultural field, there are institutions which are very relevant, as far as the whole process depends on them. In the case of the theatre system, those institutions oriented to the training of the agents of the sys- tem are especially important, and among them we must consider the theatre schools which offer different types of courses and qualifications, with a different degree of formalization, although the field that theatre education covers is much broader. This paper, which has been written under the framework of the History of Theatre Education, offers a general view of what have been the most popular issues in theatre education in Galicia in the past and at present, and at the same time shows the richness and possibilities of this new area of studies.
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