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Resumen de Le "molte pitture moderne buone" nella raccolta di Giovan Battista Mellini (1591-1627)

Fausto Nicolai

  • The article regards the formative genesis of the rich picture-gallery of Mellini House, an old Tuscan family. They were an important part of the Roman Maecenatism of the 17th century. In particular, the article investigates the figure of Giovan Battista Mellini, a personality who until now was little-known in the studies about the creationof the oldest and nost important part of the painting collection is owed to prevalently composed from "caravaggeschi" and "bolognesi" between which they issue works of Valentine de Boulogne and Giovanni Lanfranco. Furthermore, the account given by the "intendente" Giulio Mancini testifies to the importance of the Mellini collection within the Seicento Roman scenario; the scholar mentions indeed that Mellini's "molte buone pitture moderne" were exhibited in his Monte Mario Villa.

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