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Resumen de King Saul's First Sin According to Josephu.

Christopher T. Begg

  • Brief as it is, the narrative concerning Saul's first sin in 1 Sam 13,7b-15a poses substantial problems concerning, e.g., its isolation within its context and the vagueness with which it refers to Saul's actual offense. This article examines Josephus' retelling of the incident in Ant. 6.100-105a, comparing this with the Biblical source as represented by the MT, the Codex Vaticanus and Lucianic (or Antiochene) MSS of the LXX, and Targum Jonathan on the Former Prophets. Specific questione addressed include: the text-form(s) of 1 Sam 13,7b-15a available to Josephus, the rewriting techniques applied by him, and the distinctive features of his version vis-à-vis the Biblical original.

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