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Resumen de Numerical simulation of finite strain viscoplastic problems

C. García Garino, M. S. Ribero Vairo, S. Andía Fagés, A.E. Mirasso, J.P. Ponthot

  • A large strain elastoplastic constitutive model based on hyperelasticity and multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradient tensor is extended to viscous case, in a framework similar to the one that has been proposed by Ponthot in an hypoelastic context. In this way a very useful framework can be obtained, able to deal with both rate dependent and rate independent problems.

    In this work a review of theoretical details and numerical implementation of the model are discussed. Similarly to what is done in rate independent plasticity, a Newton�Raphson scheme has been used to solve the non linear consistency condition in order to compute the viscoplastic multiplier.

    A plane strain plate with a central circular hole under tension is simulated in order to test the proposed model. Large deformation effects are considered in all the simulations carried out. Different parameters of the constitutive model are varied in order to study the sensitivity of the proposed algorithm.

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