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Resumen de El Encomio Mariano "Cunctas Haereses Sola Interemisti". Origen de su sentido Inmaculista.

Isaac Vázquez Janeiro

  • The ecomium "Cunctas haereses sola interemisti" was first adopted to honour the faith and the virginity of Mary in the Annunciation and the Incarnation; at a certain moment, in the modern age, it is used also or solely to celebrate the privilege of the Inmaculate Conception; in this sense it made entry intro the Bull "Ineffabilis Deus" (1854) of Pius IX. The author asks: where, when, by whom and why has such a change or extension been introduced in the sense of the encomium? On the basis of reliable documents he believes that he can offer the following answers: a) the extension of the sense of the encomium to the Inmaculate Conception, at the actual stage of the researches occurs for the first time in a ritmus or an old Latin song (= CL), anonymously preserved in the MS 1.022 of the Casanatense Library in Rome; b) it might heve been composed about the year 1415 in the context of the Council of Constance; c) the author might have been the Franciscan Diego Moxena, who is now identified with the namesake Diego of Valencia, renowned poet if Cancionero de Baena (=CB); the extension of the sense of the encomium might have been motivated by a reason profoundly theological, dear to the Scotist and Lullian schools; that of the intimate, "necessary" connexion between the Incarnation and the privilege of the Immaculate Conception; e) starting from the theological premise. Diego would have convinced his friend Fernand I, king of Aragon, to ask for the institution of the feast of the Immaculate Conception in the universal Church, so that the Mother of God might dispel the Schism of the West, which was considered synonymous with "cunctas haereses" or with the "prova haeresis", which denied the mystery of the Incarnation and, consequently, also that of the Church.

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