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Resumen de Il rapporto tra Gesù il Cristo e Dio nella cristologia "profetico-antimessianica" di Ch. Duquoc.

Vincenzo Battaglia

  • The interpretation of the messianic originality of Jesus, given in terms of prophetic subversion against oppressive violence and of revelation of a God of freedom, constitutes the point of departure and the sound criterion of the christologic reflection of Christian Duquoc, who aims at reconsidering the problem of God by surpassing ontological theology and by stressing the "distance", that characterizes the relationship between the believed Christ and God. The development of this theme, exposed in this article through a critical study of the numerous publications, of Duquoc, concludes with the affirmation of the non-absolute character of the event Jesus, and, consequently, of the limitations of christology in respect to theology.

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