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Resumen de Continuous irrigation drainage for the treatment of septic arthritis of the kee using a minimally invasive technique

Pilar Marta Ramírez, Pedro Zorrilla Ribot

  • Acute septic arthritis of the knee requires an early diagnosis and an immediate medical and surgical treatment. This study aims to determine whether it is possible to obtain the therapeutic effectiveness of the invasive techniques using a minimally invasive treatment consisting of debridement and continuous irrigation system performed with an Abramson drain. In order to do so, three patients that had been treated by a continuous irrigation system using an Abramson drain were reviewed retrospectively. The patients were admitted to the hospital for a mean time of 7.6 days and the clinical symptoms were solved in a mean time of 4 days. There were neither relapses nor new interventions. The treatment consisting of debridement and continuous irrigation system using an Abramson drain was as safe and effective as other techniques with double approach or arthrotomy.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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