Description of the new continous suture (hem) in the operation for cataracts, thought out and tested by the inventir in 130 cases. Description of the suture. This new suture prevents the production of hernias in the iris or the vitreous body; it assists the formation of the anterior chamber (on the 4th day is all operations) and impedes the displacement of the pupil upwards in those cases operated with vitreorrhage. The above 3 accidents have ocurred in only 3 of the 130 operations, wrere was hernia of the iris; the inventor attributes the cause to not having practised the iridectomy. The suture is very easy indeed to extract. The inventor believes that the great sucess of his suture is due to the fact that the operational wound is sealed hermetically, which cannot be done with any other suture at present in existence. Discusión: Dr. Ignacio Valentín-Gamazo. Réplica: Al Dr. Arruga, Dr. Valentín-Gamazo. Comunicación presentada al XXXIV Congreso de la Sociedad Oftalmólogica Hispano-Americana. Málaga, 24 al 28 de septiembre de 1956 Palabra clave: Artículo
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