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Resumen de Mobilisations par délibération et crise polarisante: les protestations pacifiques en Syrie (2011)

Adam Baczko, Gilles Dorronsoro, Arthur Quesnay

  • To account for the peaceful mobilizations, which started in Syria in March 2011, the authors show first the irrelevance of Rational Choice and Resource Mobilization Theories. They build a model of “ Deliberative Mobilization ” , which puts at the core participation in small groups, in which the individuals transform their values, their calcula- tions and their sociability. Furthermore, to account for the resilience of the regime and the start of the civil war, the authors propose the concept of “ Polarizing Crisis ” , characterized by a limited auto- nomy of social fields, an enlargement of individual tactical activities and the strategic use of violence by the State.

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