An unfortunate circumstance � the failed receipt by Baldinucci of information on the Sienese painters of the mid-Seicento � lies behind the scarce attention paid to the Sienese Baroque school by early art-historical sources. This gap was filled in part during the nineteenth century by Ettore Romagnoli, whose extensive sweep of the archives enabled him to reconstruct the biographies of numerous Seicento artists from Siena. However, the challenge of associating extant works with these recovered figures occasionally led to confusion. Modern scholarship has patiently resolved certain misunderstandings, but much remains to be done. Until now no one had noticed the inconsistency between the Angelo Tegliacci listed by Romagnoli and the Annibale Tegliacci recorded in early sources, which led to oblivion for an interesting figure who worked in Siena during the 1620s and 1630s in a style anticipating the art of Bernardino Mei, the protagonist of Sienese Baroque painting.
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