En la actualidad, existen dos tendencias deportivas en la carrera a pie, la que se inclina por las zapatillas amortiguadoras destinadas a disipar la energía en el talón, las rodillas y caderas y la que está desarrollando el correr descalzo, basándose en que las estructuras del ser humano son capaces de disipar las energías por medio de sus esqueletos y movilidad articular. Se eligieron diez corredores de fondo y fueron sometidos a un estudio en carrera de 5 minutos, de forma aleatoria corrían descalzos o con zapatillas. La biomecánica se evaluó por medio de un sistema llamado Sensore-X. Se registraron las presiones plantares al contacto con el suelo. Las presiones plantares máximas en los corredores no alcanzaron los 2,7 kg/cm2 , mientras que los corredores descalzos presentaron picos de presión plantar de hasta 5 kg/cm2 . Las presiones plantares de los corredores se vieron alteradas al correr con zapatillas amortiguadoras al contrario de lo que sucede al ir descalzo. Los corredores que no utilizaban zapatillas mostraron patrones de huella plantar, en los que el punto de mayor presión se localizaba en la cabeza del primer metatarsiano y en el talón externo; en los corredores de zapatillas la presión plantar era más distribuida.
At present, two sports trends exist in the career afoot, which inclines for the buffer slippers, destined to remove the energy in the heel, knees and hips and the one that it is developing to run I take off, being based that the structures of the human being are capable of removing the energies by means of his skeletons and mobility to articulate. They were elected ten long-distance runners and were submitted to a study in career of 5 minutes, of random form they were running barefooted or with slippers. The biomecánica was evaluated by means of a system called Sensore-X. The pressures were registered you will plant to the contact with the soil. The maxims pressures of plant on the runners they did not reach the 2,7 kg/cm2 , whereas the barefooted corridors presented beaks of pressure to plant of up to 5 kg/cm2 . The plant pressures of the runners, they met altered on having run with buffer slippers, opposite to going shoeless. The corridors that were not using slippers showed bosses of fingerprint to plant, where the point of major pressure was located in the head of the first metatarsal one and in the external heel, in the corridors of slippers the pressure to plant it was more distributed.
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