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Resumen de Una nueva especie de Adelpharctos (Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae) del Oligoceno Superior de las �Fosforitas de Quercy� (Francia)

Louis de Bonis

  • The genus Adelpharctos was known until now through the species A. mirus by a unique mandible (p2-m2) from the old collections of the Quercy whose geological age was unknown. New material coming from the locality of Pech-du-Fraysse completes our knowledge of the genus particularly for the maxilla and upper teeth. Adelpharctos belongs to the sub-family Hemicyoninae in the family Ursidae. It differs from the middle Miocene hemicyonines which have more massive molars and from the group Cephalogale- Phoberogale by some morphological characters. It seems to be a branch coming from the ancestral stem group of the sub-family.

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