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Resumen de Genera Haplophragmoides Cushman, 1910; Recurvoides Earland, 1934; Thalmannammina Pokorny, 1951; Plectorecurvoides Noth, 1952 and Pokornyammina n. Gen. From Upper Cretaceous Flysch facies, Eastern Carpathians, Romania

Theodor Neagu, Emil Platon

  • The present paper represents a detailed study of the agglutinated of foraminifera Haplophragmoides, Recurvoides, Thalmannammina Plectorecurvoides and Pokornyammina (n. Genus) from the Upper Cretaceous flysch area of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. Starting from the original diagnosis, the authors carried out the generic and specific taxonmic values of the characters of the studied taxa. There are presented the following genera and species: Haplophragmoides bulloides, H. Decussatus, Recurvoides imperfectus, R. Pseudononioninoides n. Sp., R. Recurvoidiformis, R. Pseudosymetricus, R. Minimus n. Sp. R. Simuloplanus n. Sp. R. Labrospiriformis n. Sp., Thalmannmmina meandertornata, Th. Gerochi, Th. Simpla n. Sp., Plectorecurvoides alternans, Porkornyammina clara n.g.n. Sp.

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