O artigo ofrece unha perspectiva comparada do ingreso, asentamento e interacción social de dous fluxos migratorios de grande interese na sociedade arxentina, os emigrantes españois e os italianos. Estes dous grupos representaron o 78% dos protagonistas do éxodo europeo chegados a Arxentina na época das migracións a grande escala. Ademais, analizaranse as relacións de competencia étnica, as preferencias e prexuízos das clases dirixentes e do resto da comunidade nativa, así como os puntos de vista expostos polos intelectuais das distintas correntes de pensamento da época.
This article presents a comparative perspective on the arrival, settlement and social interaction of two migratory flows of particular interest in Argentinean society, namely immigrants from Spain and Italy. These two groups between them account for 78% of all Europeans reaching Argentina during the period of mass migrations. Additionally, it analyses the relationship of ethnic competition, the preferences and prejudices of the governing classes and the rest of the native community, and the points of view expressed by intellectuals from the various schools of thought of the period.
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