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Resumen de Concentración inusual de Cernícalo Común (Falco tinnunculus) en un cazadero-dormidero en periodo postnupcial

Antoni Borrás, Josep Bosch

  • The Common Kestrel is normally a solitaty species, including during the non-breeding season. However, from July to September 1995 in a localiiy of NE Spain, we repeatedly observed concentrations from up to 83 individuals (average 29 birds, n= 13 days of observafion). Most individuals (80%) were adult birds, and males (70%) were far more common than females. The birds concentrated in the afternoon in an open urea hunting the abundant Orthoptera present. They used four pylons as perching sites. Later, the birds used the pylons (especially one of them) for roosting. This great concentration of birds can be explained by the abundant food present in the area, and by the suitability of the pylons for safe roosting.

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