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Resumen de I riflessi della scultura veronese del Trecento sulla produzione scultorea di Andriolo de'Santi

Anna Sgarrella

  • Despite his Venetian training, the sulptor Andriolo de' Santi's works reveal a knowledge of the Veronese sculpture scene in the first half of the 14th century, which was dominated by the Master of St Anastasia and his workshop. This sculptor, whose traditional name is taken from the architrave of the portal of the Basilica of Santa Anastasia, executed by him, stands out for the lively expressiveness of his pieces. Andriolo differs from the other Venetian sculptors of his day in the accentuation of realistic aspects and characterization through physical traits found in his works, and he also appears to have admired the Master of St Anastasia's sculptures and been influenced by them. Moreover, Andriolo worked in Verona, at least to execute the tomb of Giovanni della Scala (m. 1359), which can be attributed to him with certainty. A series of comparisons made through photographs help to clarify exactly what Andriolo knew about Veronese art the period.

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