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Resumen de Build it, but will they come? Evidence from consumer choice between gasoline and sugarcane ethanol

Alberto Salvo, Cristian Huse

  • How consumers might switch from gasoline and diesel to alternative energy sources is not known, since the availability of alternatives is currently very limited. To bridge this gap, we exploit exogenous variation in ethanol prices at Brazil's pumps and uncover substantial consumer heterogeneity in the choice between long-established gasoline and an alternative that is similarly available and usable: sugarcane ethanol. We observe roughly 20% of flexible-fuel motorists choosing gasoline when gasoline is priced 20% above ethanol in energy-adjusted terms ($/mile) and, similarly, 20% of motorists choosing ethanol when ethanol is priced 20% above gasoline. We use transaction-level data to explore �non-price� characteristics which differentiate the two goods in the minds of different groups of consumers. Our findings suggest�and a counterfactual illustrates�that switching away from gasoline en masse, should this be desired, would require considerable price discounts to boost voluntary adoption, in the US and elsewhere.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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