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Resumen de La traduction de "un-s" est-elle automatisable?

Francis Tollis

  • When one takes a fairly close look at the semasiological study of the pluralised perinominal use of the Spanish UN-S (the combination of UN + -s after the gender has been neutralised), one discovers quickly enough its widespread availability and the great variety of the semantic contexts in which it can appear ind discourse. This is particularily obvious in the course of the translating process. Hence this systematic checking of all the occurrences of UN-S used as nominal adjuncts in Las ultimas banderas by A. M. de Lera against their interpretation by his French translator.

    Seen from the outset, automatic translation can appear more casily applicable to some highly grammaticalised items than an others. It is with that in mind that two pssible translations, des and quelques have been examined, that examination including their rival uses as well as their common substitution by other items.

    The aim of this study is first and formost to determine the possible impact of the semantic contents of the substantive following UN-S and its enunciative environment. But if that possible double influence is itself dependent upon the overall semantic contents of the message, the extent to wich a machine can be expected to offer statistically acceptable translations remains to be seen.

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