Francisco Javier Herrera García
En este trabajo se estudia el patrocinio artístico desarrollado por don Felipe Massieu en la Isla de La Palma a mediados del XVIII. Se comprueba cómo su ideología religiosa y su poder político y militar, influyen en determinados encargos artísticos, como las esculturas sevillanas que ocupan el primer cuerpo del retablo mayor de Puntallana. Su red de agentes comerciales, en América y Cádiz (Juan Fragela, Pablo Capitanichi, José Retortillo), posibilitan la adquisición de bienes suntuarios en Sevilla, Cádiz y otros puntos de Europa. En el caso particular de su devoción eucarística, destacamos el patrocinio del frontal destinado a la Hermandad Sacramental de la parroquia de El Salvador, obra del platero de La Laguna, Antonio Villavicencio, así como la reforma de las andas o custodia del Corpus, y el intento de adquirir seis faroles para las procesiones eucarísticas, finalmente no logrados, basados en un diseño del arquitecto Diego Nicolás Eduardo.
This paper studies the artistic patronage of Felipe Massieu in La Palma in the mid-eighteenth century. It analyzes how his religious ideology and his political and military influence, develops in some artistics commissions, as the sevillian sculptures occupying power had a bearing on certain commissions, such as the Sevillian sculptures that occupy the central portion of the Puntallana high altarpiece. His network of trade contacts in Latin America and Cádiz (Juan Fragela, Pablo Capitanichi and Jose Retortillo) allowed him to acquire all matter of holy goods in Seville, Cádiz and parts of Europe. In the specific case of Eucharistic devotion, the importance of his patronage of the Holy Brotherhood frontispiece in the parish of El Salvador, the work of the local silversmith from La Laguna, Antonio Villavicencio, is to be highlighted together with the reform of the custody of the Corpus and his attempt to purchase six lanterns for the Eucaristic processions, based on a designshow the sponsorship of the El Salvador parish brotherhood sacramental´s silver front, making at La Laguna, by Antonio Villavicencio, the reform of the Corpus´ monstrance, and the unsuccessful attempt to acquire six silver lanterns for the Eucharistic processions, based on a design by the architect, Diego Nicolás Eduardo.
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