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Resumen de Democracy in India, to avoid a Million Mutinies

Miguel Angel Lara Otaola

  • This essay will evaluate democracy?s success both by democracy in its own right- according to its minimum definition- and, given India?s particular context, by democracy as instrumental for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and for holding the country together. When evaluated by democracy?s minimum definition and procedural conditions Indian democracy is successful. However, fulfilling these procedural conditions is not enough for measuring the general success of Indian democracy. Given India?s particular context as a country with many languages, cultures, religions and social structures with tensions between them, an evaluation of democracy as an instrument for conflict prevention and resolution is a must. In this respect, democracy, as a system of rights that protects, incorporates and respects minorities, allows expression and is responsive to citizen?s demands, is effectively instrumental, and thus successful, for the peaceful resolution of conflicts. However, Indian democracy still has many challenges. When democracy stops listening and responding to people?s demands, starts going against freedoms and rights, and doesn?t respect minorities, conflicts arise.

    Therefore, for preventing these conflicts and avoid �a million mutinies? (Naipaul, 1990), democracy has to work. It is in the combination of these two features (democracy measured by its definition and as instrumental) where Indian democracy?s success lies.

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