La familia es un sistema complejo que contiene factores positivos o negativos que influyen al adolescente y pueden condicionar la deserción escolar. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar las características generales de la familia de adolescentes desertores del sistema educativo formal venezolano que realizaban cursos de capacitación laboral. Es un estudio descriptivo; en una muestra no probabilística de 87 jóvenes. Se aplicó cuestionario para variables sociodemográficas y familiares. Totalizaron el instrumento 63 estudiantes, edad promedio 16 años. Predominó la familia nuclear con 57% y 39.6% monoparentales de jefatura femenina; el estado conyugal más frecuente fueron las uniones libres (38.1%). El 67.2% de los progenitores no completaron la educación básica; 16.8% analfabetas. Las ocupaciones más frecuentes estuvieron representadas por oficios del hogar, obreros y comercio informal. Los problemas psicosociales destacados las discusiones familiares, hacinamiento, negligencia y violencia familiar. Nos encontramos ante adolescentes incluidos en familias nucleares numerosas, con escaso capital educativo y altos porcentajes de conflictividad que ameritan intervenciones desde la medicina de familia.
The family is a complex system that contains positive or negative factors affecting the adolescent and may condition school dropout. Our objective was to determine the general characteristics of the family of teenagers who have dropped out from the Venezuelan formal education system, in job training programs. This is a descriptive study, with a not probabilistic sample of 87 young people. A questionnaire of sociodemographic and family variables was applied. Sixty-three students, with an average age of 16 years, completed the instrument. In this sample nuclear families predominated (57%) and 39. 6% of the families were female-headed single-parent. Free unions were the most common marital status (38.1%). In relation to the education of the parents, 67.2% did not complete basic education, and 16.8% were illiterate. The most common occupations were represented by household chores, construction workers and informal trade. The most outstanding psychosocial problems were family discussions, household overcrowding, neglect and family violence. We are facing adolescents that come from big nuclear families, with little educational capital and high rates of conflict that need intervention from family medicine in order to help prevent school dropout.
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