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Resumen de Organizational socialization tactics and newcomer adjustment: : The mediating role of role clarity and affect-based trust relationships

Émilie Lapointe, Christian Vandenberghe, Jean-Sébastien Boudrias

  • This study examines two routes through which organizational socialization tactics influence newcomers' adjustment: (1) through reducing job-related uncertainty and (2) through the development of social-exchange relationships with the supervisor and co-workers. Consistent with predictions, our 3-wave study of a sample of 224 newcomers found Time 2 role clarity, indicative of the uncertainty reduction route, to mediate a positive relationship between Time 1 socialization tactics and Time 3 self-rated task performance. We also found Time 2 affect-based trust towards supervisors and co-workers, indicative of the social exchange route, to mediate a positive relationship between Time 1 socialization tactics and Time 3 affective organizational commitment. Taken together, our results suggest that uncertainty reduction and social exchange act as complementary routes during entry, with the former facilitating perceived work effectiveness and the latter explaining newcomers' psychological bond with the organization. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

    Practitioner points The importance of trust in organizations is increasingly recognized. Our results suggest that affect-based trust towards supervisors and co-workers plays important roles in mediating the relationships between organizational socialization tactics and newcomer adjustment and, more particularly, newcomers' psychological bond with the organization.

    Role clarity was found to mediate the relationship between organizational socialization tactics and self-rated task performance. Therefore, it seems more important to explain newcomers' perceived work effectiveness.

    This study's results emphasize the necessity for organizations to adopt a holistic approach to newcomer socialization, involving both learning processes and relationship-building opportunities.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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