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Resumen de Procesos sedimentarios de flujos tractivos y de masas deducidos del análisis granulométrico en sedimentos de la Laguna de Gallocanta. Cordillera Ibérica. Ne España.

Ana Cristina Roc Gargallo, Antonio Pérez García

  • By the grain-size study of the detrital sediments in Gallocanta lake, two types of detrítical facies have been defined: gravels facies and sands facies. Depending on the depth of the water different physical processes can be observed.

    If the lake is dry, the currents that come to Gallocanta lake deposit the materials giving place to small channels developed by stream fload. If the lake has water, until 2 meters of depth, they take place the mass flow processes with high energy, caused by the arriving of stream fload generated by storms inside tile lacustrine water. Only in some points of the lake we identify beach processes in relation witil moments of highly water level, capable of generating waves for the action of tile wind.

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