This article analyse the role of the state with the main element in this process where economic development and investiments in infrastructure of roads evolve together and had a central role in the process of building the actual structure of the local economy. It is possible to divide the infrastructure investiment in the period at least in tree fases. The fist when the development of agriculture was the priority, the second where industrial development and market integratin was the main priority and the third where the investiments in the sector where made mainly by private capital. By looking at the Paraná’s economic formation, there was large involvement of the state in construction and expansion of transport activities mainly through investments aimed at building the infrastructure of roads, railways and ports. Within this context, this paper analyses the role of the state as a crucial element in this process where the economic and social development and investment in infrastructure for road transport have evolved together and played a central role in building and shaping the current structure of the Paraná’s economy. Taking into consideration the investments made in transport infrastructure, it is possible to identify three major stages: the first one in which the agricultural development was the main priority, having the road infrastructure a supporting role; the second stage in which industrial development and market integration were central elements; and the third one in which investments in transport infrastructure were made mainly by the private sector.
O presente artigo analisa o papel do Estado como elemento central neste processo em que o desenvolvimento econômico e social e os investimentos em infra-estrutura de transportes rodoviários evoluíram conjuntamente e desempenharam um papel central na construção e configuração da estrutura atual da economia paranaense. Na evolução dos investimentos em infra-estrutura de transportes pelo menos três grandes fases são diagnosticadas no período. Uma primeira fase, em que o desenvolvimento agropecuário era prioritário e cabia à infra-estrutura de estradas dar-lhe suporte; uma segunda fase, em que o desenvolvimento industrial e a integração dos mercados eram os elementos centrais; e um terceiro momento, quando os investimentos no setor de transportes deveriam ser mobilizados prioritariamente pela iniciativa privada.
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