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Urban-nature relationships in urban planning foresight in Europe: : contributions from the Concours Internationale du Grand Paris

  • Autores: Adrien Gey
  • Localización: The Town Planning Review, ISSN-e 1478-341X, Vol. 85, Nº. 5, 2014, págs. 589-616
  • Idioma: inglés
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  • Resumen
    • This article describes the current evolution of sustainable planning through the study of the Grand Paris international competition for a post-Kyoto metropolis that took place in 2009. The answers submitted by all teams involved in the competition, composed of a large and representative panel of international experts, architects, research centres and universities, show a real change in terms of the representation of nature and the city. This paper describes the poetic, therapeutic and structuring uses of natural elements achieved by the different teams in their proposals for the metropolis of tomorrow, making �nature� a real tool for sustainable planning.

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